Applying For Web Design Jobs on Craigslist – What You Need to Know First
Are you an experienced web designer who is looking for employment? If so, you may decide to turn to Although most commonly associated with the buying and selling of goods, Craigslist also has a jobs section. You are likely to find many jobs listed, including those for web design. However, before applying, there are some important points you must take into consideration.
Many web design jobs are considered work-at-home opportunities and others are known as contract jobs. This means you aren’t necessarily an employee of the company in question. You perform work on an as-needed basis. Although there is always the potential to work your way up the company ladder to a full or part-time position, there are no guarantees. If you want the freedom to have a flexible schedule or are just looking to get some references for your resume, these jobs area ideal. Otherwise, set your sights on full-time or part-time work.
There are some scams that surround work-at-home jobs and contract positions. Most job scams aim to get your social security number or a fake training fee. With freelance work, like web design, you need to worry about someone using your designs and not paying for them. To prevent scams, many designers in your shoes workout a payment arrangement ahead of time. Most request a small down payment first. You don’t want to limit your moneymaking potential, but there is less risk with opting for an in-house or on-site web design job.
Craigslist search tools can help you get the most out of your job search. As previously stated, some web design projects are at-home contract based gigs. Meaning you may never meet your employer or visit their place of business. This also means you can live in Colorado Springs and work for a company based out of Long Island. only allows you to search one location page at a time. If looking for contract or work-at-home design positions, this could take you hours or days. Instead, download a free search tool to search multiple cities, entire states, or nationwide listing at once.
Even if you want to search onsite web design jobs, a free search tool will help. You may live in between two cities listed or a hiring manager may mistakenly post a job under the wrong location. With a free search tool, you won’t have any problems finding a web design job. To get started, download the free Craigslist Reader from In addition to multiple search options, receive email notifications of new jobs posted on Craigslist.